

Anjali Kumar

I have worked as a teacher, therapist and counselor with children and teens with special needs, for over 15 years. Being associated with WCCL has been a transformative experience for me. I have completed three certificate programs offered by WCCL – Applied Buddhist Psychology and Ethics (ABPE), Way of the Bodhisattva (WOTB) and Certificate in …

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Varsha Chaudhary

I attended the Applied Mahayana Buddhist Psychology and Ethics course in 2011 when it was first introduced in Pune University. I was going through a bad phase and out of sheer desperation decided to do this course to see if it helped me. From the first day I was hooked. Asha is a superb teacher …

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Neema Pathak Broome

As students of Kendriya Vidyalaya school we would often sing community songs during morning Assembly. One of the songs that I most enjoyed was “Bharat ka Swarnim Gaurav Kendriya Vidyalaya Layega….Takshila, Nalanda ka itiha laut kar Aauega…”. WCCL Post-Graduate Certificate Course in Applied Mahayana Buddhist Psychology and Ethics for me was the realisation of a …

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योगेश कुऱ्हाडे

बुद्ध मूलभूत पद्धतीने समजावा,अभ्यासावा अशी खुप वर्षांपासूनची इच्छा होती. बुद्धाविषयीची मिथकं, त्याचं सामाजिक-राजकीय महत्व माहित होतं. आणि त्यामुळे ओढा अधिकच होता. AMBPE ह्या कोर्सच्या कॉर्डीनेटर पैकी एक असलेली माझी मैत्रीण चारू ने मला ह्या कोर्स विषयी सांगितलं. केवळ सांगून ती थांबली नाही, तिने मला परीक्षा देण्यासाठी प्रोत्साहनही दिलं. हा काळ पँडेमिकचा होता. सगळीकडेच तेव्हा माणसाच्या …

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Divya Sarathy

Doing the ABPE course has been one of the best decisions of my life. It opened my heart and mind in ways I did not imagine was possible. Every aspect has been thoughtfully designed – from the course material to the weekly practice assignments. The course covers the basics of Buddhist thought and practice, while …

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Varsha Ramesh

This course has transformed my thought process and impacted my life positively. Asha’s style of teaching is so refreshing, so warm and inviting unlike how we usually learn at schools. One of the highlights for me was how every concept introduced can and is reflected back to your life which enabled me to apply learnings! …

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Vaibhavi Agrawal

The course ended my spiritual shopping spree and inspired my life journey. My deepest appreciation and respect go out to the Course faculty for their teachings, patience, understanding, and compassion, which helped me deal with life outside of the classroom. I cherish the chance to return to the class and learn and re-learn as well …

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